Thomas Ditye, MRes PhD
Sommersemester 2025
950036 VU VU Wahrnehmen, Lernen und Gedächtnis - BA#2
950055 VU A.3.1 Allgemeine Psychologie - Gruppe 1
Wintersemester 2024
200026 PS Proseminar zu Allgemeiner Psychologie - Bewusstsein
950036 VU VU Wahrnehmen, Lernen und Gedächtnis - BA#1
950055 VU A.3.1 Allgemeine Psychologie - Gruppe 1
Sommersemester 2024
200009 PS Proseminar zu Allgemeiner Psychologie - Ausgewählte Themen der Kognitions- und Neuropsychologie
200087 SE Vertiefungsseminar: Klinische Psychologie und Gesundheitspsychologie - Achtsamkeitsforschung
950055 VU A.3.1 Allgemeine Psychologie - Gruppe 1
950056 VU A.3.1 Allgemeine Psychologie - Gruppe 2
Baier, D., Kempkes, M., Ditye, T., & Ansorge, U. (2022). Do Subliminal Fearful Facial Expressions Capture Attention? Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Artikel 840746.
Büsel, C., Ditye, T., Muttenthaler, L., & Ansorge, U. (2020). Corrigendum: A Novel Test of Pure Irrelevance-Induced Blindness (Front. Psychol., (2019), 10, (375), 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00375). Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Artikel 615123.
Pomper, U., Ditye, T., & Ansorge, U. (2019). Contralateral delay activity during temporal order memory. Neuropsychologia, 129, 104-116.
Buesel, C., Ditye, T., Muttenthaler, L., & Ansorge, U. (2019). A Novel Test of Pure Irrelevance-Induced Blindness. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Artikel 375.
Ditye, T., & Ansorge, U. (2018). Same-Location Costs in Peripheral Cueing: The Role of Cue Awareness and Feature Changes. The Role of Cue Awareness and Feature Changes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44(3), 433-451.
Khalid, S., Horstmann, G., Ditye, T., & Ansorge, U. (2017). Measuring the emotion-specificity of rapid stimulus-driven attraction of attention to fearful faces: evidence from emotion categorization and a comparison with disgusted faces. Psychological Research, 81(2), 508-523.
Ditye, T., & Ansorge, U. (2017). The contra-lateral delay activity is reversed during the retention of episodic information. Journal of Vision, 17(10), Artikel 677.
Huber-Huber, C., Ditye, T., Marchante Fernandez, M., & Ansorge, U. (2016). Using temporally aligned event-related potentials for the investigation of attention shifts prior to and during saccades. Neuropsychologia, 92, 129-141.
Goller, F., Ditye, T., & Ansorge, U. (2016). The contribution of color to attention capture effects during search for onset targets. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 78(3), 789–807.
Hayashi, M. J., Ditye, T., Harada, T., Hashiguchi, M., Sadato, N., Carlson, S., Walsh, V., & Kanai, R. (2015). Time Adaptation Shows Duration Selectivity in the Human Parietal Cortex. PLoS Biology, 13(9), Artikel e1002262.
Ditye, T. (2015). Distributed adaptation facilitates long-term face aftereffects. Perception, 44(S1), 45-46.
Magnani, B., Frassinetti, F., Ditye, T., Oliveri, M., Costantini, M., & Walsh, V. (2014). Left insular cortex and left SFG underlie prismatic adaptation effects on time perception: Evidence from fMRI. NeuroImage, 92, 340-348.
Ditye, T., Kanai, R., Bahrami, B., Muggleton, N. G., Rees, G., & Walsh, V. (2013). Rapid changes in brain structure predict improvements induced by perceptual learning. NeuroImage, 81, 205-212.
Ditye, T., Javadi, A. H., Carbon, C.-C., & Walsh, V. (2013). Sleep facilitates long-term face adaptation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 280(1769), Artikel 20131698.
Ditye, T., Jacobson, L., Walsh, V., & Lavidor, M. (2012). Modulating behavioral inhibition by tDCS combined with cognitive training. Experimental Brain Research, 219(3), 363-368.
Carbon, C.-C., & Ditye, T. (2012). Face adaptation effects show strong and long-lasting transfer from lab to more ecological contexts. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, Artikel 3.
Carbon, C.-C., & Ditye, T. (2011). Sustained Effects of Adaptation on the Perception of Familiar Faces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37(3), 615-625.
Strobach, T., Ditye, T., & Carbon, C.-C. (2011). Long-term adaptation effects of highly familiar faces are modulated by adaptation duration. Perception, 40(8), 1000-1004.
Galea, J. M., Albert, N. B., Ditye, T., & Miall, R. C. (2010). Disruption of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Facilitates the Consolidation of Procedural Skills. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(6), 1158-1164.
Gattol, V., Ditye, T., Carbon, C.-C., & Hutzler, F. (2007). A call for attention!--TV news broadcasts and the effects of competing news presentations on perception. Unknown Journal.
Institut für Psychologie der Kognition, Emotion und Methoden
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1010 Wien